AP Statistics Mastery Package

AP Review

Overview of AP Statistics

Exam Format
Section I: Multiple Choice 40 Questions | 1 Hour 30 Minutes | 50% of Exam Score
Section II: Free Response 6 Questions | 1 Hour 30 Minutes | 50% of Exam Score
Part A: (12 min × 5 = 60 min)
  • 1 multipart question with a primary focus on collecting data
  • 1 multipart question with a primary focus on exploring data
  • 1 multipart question with a primary focus on probability and sampling distributions
  • 1 question with a primary focus on inference
  • 1 question that combines 2 or more skill categories
Part B: (25 ~ 30 min)
  • 1 investigative task that assesses multiple skill categories and content areas, focusing on the application of skills and content in new contexts or in non-routine ways

Name That Significance Test (From Stats Medic)

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Verbs Used in FRQ (From CB)

Calculate: You will need to perform mathematical calculations to arrive at your final answer. Another way they may word this is to ask to find “how many”, “how likely”, and etc.
Compare: You will provide an explanation of similarities/differences. This often requires the same prompts as “describe” but involves doing it twice since there are two data sets.
Construct/Complete: You will construct the data in a graphical/numerical manner.
Describe: You will provide an explanation of any patterns you see in the data.
Determine: You will provide a calculation or explanation of something the question wants to determine, such as “Is there evidence?”, “Does the data support?” and etc.
Estimate: You will find an approximation of values for a function.
Explain: You will use evidence/reasoning for a supposed claim, providing information on how or why this outcome/situation occurs.
Give a point estimate or interval estimate: You will use models/representations to find approximate values for uncertain figures.
Give examples: You will provide a specific example in the context of the question.
Identify/Indicate/Circle: You will circle or indicate where a specific piece of information is based on the data or question.
Interpret: You will be asked to provide context for a mathematical representation considering units also.
Justify: Similar to explain, you will be providing evidence to support the answer you calculated
Verify: You will most likely confirm a test is applicable to this problem, or test conditions for a given statistical test.